
How to Recreate the Viral Dish Towel Bow

We’ve all seen the adorable, Valentine’s Day-ready decor trend that’s sweeping the socials: the dish towel bow. We’re suckers for bows in any form, so we’re thrilled to add a touch of this girly inspiration to our kitchen!

Valentine's Day dish towel made into a bow shape through a kitchen drawer handle

It’s so simple that anyone can do it — all you need to get started is a set of two coordinating dish towels, tea towels, or hand towels and a handle. (Bow-pro tip: If you don’t have handle-style hardware on your kitchen cabinets, then look to your oven or dishwasher, which are both prime real estate for a bit of bow love!) Let’s get started!

Two painted hearts valentine's day hand towels by Zappy Dots, pinks and reds

1. Get two matching dish towels. (We’re using these adorable Painted Hearts hand towels from our Valentine’s Day shop!)

Painted hearts dish towel folded into thirds

2. Set one towel aside, and fold the remaining towel into thirds long-ways. This towel will become the inside of your bow.

Painted hearts dish towel folded

3. With your folded towel face-down, take the top edge and fold it toward the center. Repeat with the bottom edge, so both ends meet in the middle to form a compact rectangle. Set this towel aside.

Two Painted hearts dish towels being folded

4. Grab your second towel, and fold this one into thirds length-wise just like you did with the first towel. This will become your bow’s tail. After folding, keep the towel lying face-down with the open edge toward you — this will ensure the hem remains hidden. Now get your first towel — the bow piece you folded in step 3 — and place it fold-side down onto your second towel. It will sit about 3/4 of the way down.

Dish towel bow 2

5. Take the top edge of your bottom towel and fold it in half, pulling it over the bow towel. The top of the bow should rest perfectly in the fold.

Valentine's Day dish towel bow, pink painted hearts

6. Pick up your folded towels, and tuck the hanging ends through your handle-of-choice. Be sure to pull both ends through until they compress the inner towel — scrunching it into a bow shape. Then fluff and adjust as necessary!

Voila! Now you have your very own dish towel bow!

Kitchen coffee nook decorated for Valentine's Day with colorful dish towel bow

While we love how this looks for Valentine’s Day, we’re also looking forward to accessorizing our kitchen with hand-folded towel bows all spring long — maybe we’ll even adorn the guest bathroom! Where will you add a bow? Share your ideas below!

2 responses to “How to Recreate the Viral Dish Towel Bow”

  1. Carol Avatar

    Love love love this!!!

  2. Quen Avatar

    Neat idea!

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